Bloggers have well and truly been celebrated of late. First there was Gloria Blog Awards and last weekend there was the first ever Indiedays Inspiration Blog Awards. As I was going over my wardrobe it became evident how that, in addition to the rest of my life, has divided into two very distinctively different(sized) eras: that before and after food blogging...
Inspired by the stuffed chicken perched atop one guest's head at Gloria Awards I figured that the bigger my head looks, the smaller my bum is bound to look, right? "Who's that fascinator by?" I got asked. Well, by me! I made it myself!
Inspired by the stuffed chicken perched atop one guest's head at Gloria Awards I figured that the bigger my head looks, the smaller my bum is bound to look, right? "Who's that fascinator by?" I got asked. Well, by me! I made it myself!
I and my plus one, The Mane Magician who was behind my amazing do at Gloria Awards really needed the night off (what's the point of there being just one weekend a week? And even that all the way at the end of a the week?!) so decided to grant one to my camera as well. A decision I bitterly regretted as I watched the other bloggers work their magic on theirs. So, you'll have to bear with me and some camera phone snaps. I'll never leave the house without my camera ever again. EVER.
As we were studying the rest of the guests we, in our miniskirtless, hotpantsless, stripperheelness, fakelashless and so very sequin-free attires felt awfully old. Luckily Chambord and Champagne cocktails soon put the spring into these chickens!
We got spoilt rotten with rest of the things on the menu too...
There were prizes to be won at lifestyle, fashion, beauty and food categories. The winner in the category I was nominated in was wildly popular Kinuskikissa. We might have left the party empty-handed, but full of joy!


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