Sunday, 28 September 2014

Lamb chops with persillade crust

One's relationship with one's butcher is a lot like one's relationship with one's hairdresser. It's based on admiration and appreciation for his/her talent, but also a little bit on fear.

You can't really go anywhere else because that iron-clad trained eye immediately notices it. "What's been going on over here? Who's in charge of these highlights?"

We have two vendors at Hakaniemi market hall that we rely on for our meat. And the other one sure isn't shy about reminding us we've not been seen for a while. So, sure we'd do our bit in spreading the gospel of vegetarianism... but the butcher.

A little while back we picked up some lamb to be the star of our very British Sunday lunch. Though in a very un-British way we left the very rosé. In case that looks just a little too pink for you, cook them in the oven for 20-25 minutes instead depending on the desired doneness. Do allow them to rest for 10 minutes before cutting into chops though!

Our rack of lamb got a lovely herby crust from persillade left over from the summery salad with marinated octopus. For the recipe please see here.

Serves four (at least)

2 racks of lamb (total weight 1 kg)
salt, pepper
persillade sauce
butter and oil for frying

Take meat into room temperature well in advance. Season it and fry in a mixture of oil and butter until it's got a lovely brown crust. Transfer into an oven-proof dish, spread persillade on top of it and bake at 160º for 15 minutes. Let rest for 10 minutes and cut into chops.

Serve with salt & vinegar potatos and garlicky cashew sauce.




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