Friday, 20 January 2017

Haga - my favourite part of Gothenburg and home to world's largest cinnamon bun

Haga is the most picturesque part of Gothenburg - its charming cafés and quirky shops are a fantastic way to pass the day.

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Gothenburg has eye candy galore. The oldest buildings can be found around Kronhuset, located behind the Gustav Adolf square.

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Architecturally speaking Vasastaden is the most rewarding neighbourhood. 

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My absolute favourite, however, is Haga. On its narrow cobble-stoned streets, lined with candy-coloured wooden houses you'd think you'veescaped onto the pages of Astrid Lindgren book. 

Gothenburg is very user-friendly in that everything in the central Gothenburg is located within walking distance. Haga is particularly convenient for pedestrians - cars aren't even allowed here.

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Reminiscent of Porvoo, Haga is such a picturesque place you just can't not love it. And what's not to love: statistics show, that people here are better educated than average Gotheburger, make more money, are socially more active and enjoy lower unemployment rate. 

That wasn't always the case, mind.

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Until 1970's Haga was a notorious neighbourhood, known for its cheap accommodation, bohemian lifestyle, bars and not-necessarily-quite-so-legal clubs. Thorough renovation conducted in 1970's and 1980's changed the look and atmosphere (and price range) entirely. 

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Most of the lovingly restaured houses are protected and hail back to 19th century.

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Majority of the visitor's Haga is located along one street: Haga Nygatan. 

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Restaurants, small boutiques, delis...

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...but Haga's #1 attraction would have to be all the adorable cafés.

With their woven rugs, mismatched furniture, eclectic wallpapers and floral cushions walking in them feels like walking into your grandma's home. 

Oh, and then there are all the cakes and excellent sandwiches...!

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The display cabinets at cafés are full of treats each more delectable than the next, but the thing that's made this neighbourhood world famous is the humble cinnamon bun, or Hagabulle, as the locals call it. 

Though, there's hardly anything humble about the size or taste of hagabulle at Café Husaren, who claims theirs are the biggest ones in the whole world. 

And trust me: they are big. I've seen four people trying to get through just one of them - without succeeding. 

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And once you've feasted on the pastries, you can feast your eyes on one of the many design shops, specialty boutiques (anything from soap to chocolate), vegan delis...

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...and on them hipsters who definitely don't take themselves too seriously at all...

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...and then there are the antique shops, which actually give the whole area a distinctive Notting Hill vibe. Sure, the price tags come with a little Notting Hill extra, but they are just too cute to pass. 

Just look at this favourite of mine, which even stocks a selection of tiaras. Tiaras, people!!!

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In case you're after vintage finds, a great (and budget-friendly) place for them is second-hand shop Myrorna, located on Järnvärgsgatan - mere minutes from Haga Nygatan.  

That's where I sourced many of the props that can be seen in my up and coming book, too!

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You guys familiar with Gothenburg? What are your favourite places in the city?



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