Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Costa de la Luz - seafood, whale-watching. dolphings, surfing...

Whether you're after seafood or watersports, Costa de la Luz, located on the Atlantic coast, is your go-to destination.

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The South Western Andalusia -known as the Sherry country - on the Atlantic coast has so much in store even for people whose motivation for travelling goes beyong stuffing themselves silly on seafood. 

But the selection its coastal location warrants is so fantastic that it alone is a reason to travel here.

The region of costa de la Luz, stretching from Cádiz is famous for seafood and that is what you, too, should be gorging when here. They are particularly famous for their tuna. Read more about it on the blog's tour of Cádiz Central market over here.

But the region offers unparallelled opportunities to marvel at the big fish in their natural element, too. Though apparently whales, for one, are actually mammals, which just makes no sense whatsoever). 

Tarifa is a great place for a whale-spotting excursion, too. During the season (from spring to late autumn) there are tours daily. The price is on high side (adults €30, children €20), but so are the chances of catching a glimpse of these magnificent beasts:one of the companies estimates the chance of sightings as high as 95%. F>or more information and bookings, please see here.

In addition to whales,the Strait of Gibraltar is a good place to spot dolphins. Which, too, are apparently mammals. Despite the fact they look like fish (Fins! Tail! Come on!), live in the sea and I'm fairly certain can't pee standing up. 

Tarifa's location between the European and African continents guarantees pretty much constant wind and that makes it an ideal destination for anyone interested in wind or kite surfing and the city is known as he surf capital of the Europe. 

Dragon Kite School organizes courses in surfing,wind surfing and kite surfing - beginner level courses start at €30 pp.

Kitesurfing School Tarifa on the othe rhand is specialized in kite surfing (as the name would suggest) -courses start at €30/ h. 

Tarifa is worth remembering for other reasons as well:this is where you can catch a ferry to Morocco and to the African side. The ferry ride only takes about half an hour and at its cheapest return ticket costs less than €40. 

For timetables and bookings please see here. For blog's scenes of Morocco, just click yourself over here.

Thsi part of Andalusia is also particularly known for its beaches. The white sand and crystal clear waters ahev warranted a nickname as poor man's Caribbean.

The best beaches can be found in Bolonia, which is where the locals holiday as well. 

In the next post I will share with you my favourite addressess for the foodie traveller in Cádiz and surrounding Sherry country and then we're done with this trip. Hope you've enjoyed it? Which were your favourites?

* The trip was organized in collaboration with Cadiz Tourism *





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