Sunday, 24 April 2016

Andalusian sun and sherry country calling!

Hola! On this side of the blog a long-awaited holiday has begun and I'm back under my beloved Andalusian sun.  This time I'll be exploring a region I'm not yet familiar with: sherry country, the region of Cadiz and Jerez.

It's been a good couple of years since my last trip to that part of the world, but I (and my heart) are finally ready for a comeback.

For the next week I won't even think about cooking - instead I plan to eat my way through every single (ok.. maybe... every other...?) tapas bar.

Octopus! Iberico! More octopus!

Do join me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter ! 

Any of you familiar with those places? Recommendations and tips you want to share? 





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